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Chat per adulti & 30+/

OOlder Men 35+

Deal how many carrots 🥕
Princess cut
Shi. Expensive wife. Ok how many years do I have
5 months
Hmmm I may be in jail after I hit the bank up
We busy with a negotiation here
Idk you sparkle more of the brilliant round cut 🤔
Ok 6 months
Who said its round 😏
Could be oval 😬
>>> Ok 6 months 5!!!
💍 temp one
Damn foxy
Ok 5
I know im demanding
Hi high jack hows your back
Ok gotta work soon. I try and get some ot from a bad guy
Good thanks but on web antichat because here it was deleted
>>> Ok gotta work soon. I try and get some ot ... 🤣🤣
And you?
My back is fine thank you
long day finally home relaxing
Front also look very fine 🤐
Hello to all young ones
Older ones hi and how are you
Looks like rain better take cover in a bar
Wow can't invite us on the boat too
How are all the older ones
How is the younger ones feeling
Hows the room?
I'm great thanks , you ?
Hi all
🐻 🤗
I’m back
Hello everyone.
Wow seems quiet in here tonight