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Zreli i 30+ Razgovori/

OOlder Men 35+

Hey there
hello all
Morning 👋🏽
Everyone is being shy
im very shy
Seems hi and run is common
Why be shy
Shy can be sweet
No reason to be shy when you're not in person
That’s very true
So just chat
Oh the shenanigans
Yes yes it is morning 😂
Why are we mourning
Hello 👋
Nice drop
Wow just stunning meanie
Meanie ☺️
Terra ☺️
Thank you 🥰
Hello Toto☺️☺️
I’ll get the mdma. BRB. Meet you in the hot tub
How are you doing?
You making me tingle But all good
and this why i dont drop anymore😂😂
Sorry. Lol
I should think before I press send sometimes
I’m confused now
Rate my 24 years old gf smash or pass
nah i prefer chat anyways thats the my main purpose 3 years ago
Well it’s a huge compliment either way. Hot drop
Older guy from Australia approved