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Yes Daddy
Oooo yasss
Custom made?
That’s jus one for now
Made as a gift from a friend
I love it
Thats badass!
that’s little knife 😭😭
I got one that’s custom made as a gift for being the best man at a wedding
Did it come with a sheath?
No it didn’t
I need one tho
Mine did haha
Has my name carved in the handle
I need to go put children to bed
Or sexually transmitted dependents
Yours or just random children
Mami 👀
Reaper just wielding an unsheathed blade...
She probably waves it around and points to stuff with it
Hello room
Hello 👋🏻
text me for a fun night
Why would I just to be disappointed in you like your parents
Good morning ☕️☕️
Hahahaha that is waaay to accurate
lol I knew it
Good morning surfer 🌄
Kahuna ☕️🙌🏼
Hi Lara. Good morning
Afternoon all
Good evening here
Well it’s a bright warm sunny afternoon where I am 😀
Lucky you
Evening here too
Nice Sierra
Just incase your missing blue sky and sun
I saw it today lol