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OOlder Men 35+

yeah okay lol
34 years
no wayy
i rarely drink alcohol and i never smoke
My brother is 9 years older than me 😂 he smoked with me when I was young
that’s crazy but funny
I was sick af. My mom came home pissed 😂 screaming at my brother asking what he did to me 🤪🤪
I remember it, he was fkd, and I didn’t feel ok for about a week 😂
omg u got CHS?
Yeah I was sick for about a week, it was a bong rip, he pulled the smoke up for me and put it to my face and I inhaled as hard as I could and then I really do t remember much until my mom came ho
Home and kicked my brother and his friends out 🤷🏻‍♂️
>>> And I’m assuming no heaters otherwise the ... 🤣🤣
Morning peeps
Hello 🫧🦋 Mimi 🫧 📵
Good morning Mimi
Referring to the story of my older brother 😂
now i’m scared of weed
I don’t encourage the use of any substance, but weed is far less damaging than anything else out there.
I take cannabis oil for my pains and it works
Yeah I need to switch to gummies tbh
i’m scared of getting CHS
I had zero tolerance and was 9 😂 I don’t think it’s a common syndrome tbh. I do t think you have anything to worry about.
Maybe anxiety if you start too heavy.
i was born with anxiety
weed helps my anxiety
What’s CHS
Good morning all 🌞
Hi 😁
It just make me jorny
Afternoon all
Gm AJ 🫶
Gm TJ 🤗
Hey Shawn
How’s it going, champ?
Not too bad for a Monday. You
Just getting my day started so I’ll let you know
Couple hours into work here. Lol
I have a bit of a late start so I’ll be doing in a few