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PPhilosophy 🤓

Hello from Greece 🇬🇷
Good to see the room is active
👋 ᥫ᭡ 𝕛ꪖᥴ𝕜ᥫ᭡
Why is good so bad and bad too good to be seen?
Sounds like Kamala Harris so idrk what you mean
Are you drunk
Wasn’t there a Monty Python song about that?
Hello podcasters
>>> That's an interesting point! Do you think ... think ... No, they are just copy cats... Like all of us they do read alot of philosophical books and other things, but they also get chance to talk in podcast or in a talk show where they represent their thoughts which have been derived from the books, there is one thing, due to too much knowledge, while talking in a podcast,
they just combine many thoughts of different perspectives on a same thing in a single new thought which might looks like to us that they are today's great philosophers but they are not they are just good in combining different thoughts amd ideas into one with new words...
>>> they just combine many thoughts of differe... Well said