Dang so you gotta install it from a site or something?
Ok, I really dislike apple for being an a$$
🚀 App Store <- Chat ANTI📱
Happy Brain, Inc. ha obtenido la licencia para distribuir Chat ANTI en la App Store 🎉
They said happy brain will sell it on App Store
Dang, this app is definitely not for people with happy brains
People not doing their job properly
Well, that's also pretty standard
No, I think if you’re happy you’re not here
🚀 iOS AntiLand Moves to the Web! 🌐
Dear iOS users, we were informed that no apps like AntiLand will be allowed on the App Store anymore. It seems like Apple is cracking down on anonymous chatting apps. If there are still any similar apps on the App Store, they are supposed to be terminated too.
Instead, we were advised to move our iOS users to our Web app: https:www.antiland.com 💻
I put up my boundaries and a guy calls me weird and says guck u for it. You can keep telling them to respect your boundaries and they're not ok with it. Dilsike guys like that.
It’s disappointing and disrespectful. Better to block them.
I should've done that but just deleted the conversation right after he sent another message.
That type of language is not tolerable
Hi. I often think about drink a smol amount of alcohol to get rid of my constant anxiety
that's it just wanted to share this thought somewhere
As long as it’s just a thought…
They always get salty when they can’t have it their way. The issue is how they react and not you 🥸🥸🥸 what a 🤡 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>>> They always get salty when they can’t have...
Who does
Guys who get rejected and can’t handle a “no”
Not just on here but off of this app too 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yea I've been called a lesbian because of it
A lesbian? lol
Is that a bad thing? 😂
I mean, they don’t even know how to properly use insults sometimes
No it's not a bad thing. But when u tell them ur not interested in them they think it's because ur a lesbian. They use it as an excuse as a reason u don't want them
Yes, I understood
I mean they are ridiculous
Some people can’t take no for an answer