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Gesundheit & Unterstützung/

🧠Mental Health Support

Hi Lynx How are you
I’m great
How about you?
How’s your day going?
Something very unpleasant happened at work
Oh again?
Different thing
One student got sick 🤢 and I had to clean it up
What happened?
Oh no!
I can’t believe this is part of my job now
That must have been rough.
When my son was 3 and wet his pants, the teachers called me because it was not their job to change him
Now I have to clean up puke 🤮 from teens
How does this work!
Uhh don’t they have janitor?
Yeah. Exactly. Don't they have any cleaners or janitor?
They should have called the cleaners instead to clean the puke
The cleaners only work after we are gone and the janitor said it was not his job
How is it not his job?
I should have said it was not my job either but I didn’t want to cause more problems
I think it’s part pf his responsibilities
That sucks
They are very informed about what they should and shouldn’t do
Maybe he’s just lazy to do it
He just gave me paper and a bucket
I asked him for plastic gloves 🧤 too
The poor student helped cleaning too
This is unbelievable
The management should reprimand him
I will go an speak to the principal later today
Tss he’s doing his job
I will ask her what shall we do if this happens again?
If this is no one’s job??
Then who does it?
That’s right
They should give him a warning
I basically wanted to save the kid from the embarrassment of the situation He was feeling guilty for the mess
On top of being sick
I feel bad for the kid
He should be dismissed if he does that again
Another chance is okay but he should do his job well
So sad