So let that sink in too, it's cause of what they did and how they did it that makes them a bad person overall
I got confused what it meant by outlet inlet
Now the other girls, nah that's probably on me. I didn't date alot and when I did date I dated long term. I'm in it to win it and always have been. So I've slept and fucked around with a lot of trashy girls and a lot of good girls honestly, but my dating list is like under ten people
All of that goes for me too
I'll fuck wit anyone who fucks wit me back. As long as you're not morbidly obese, I'll clap those cheeks. That's my motto
Fuck now i put the water in wrong order 😂
Got to watch over the video and the phone then his connection made sense after all
All the tubes confused me
We just want to be loved. But in todays time that makes it almost impossible
I do miss being loved. It was so nice. I guess it’s true ..better to have been loved then never ti have been loved at all
If you ever love somebody put your hands up 🙌
At least i think my brain actually understood the labeling and how everything works
I wish I'd gotten a real Manual
Connecting stuff without a manual explaining it is sometimes a little annoying 😂
Just gotta go over everything now tomorrow and i should be good
Need to buy some tubing tomorrow
So i can move the tank and I'm good
Proud of myself. Been working my ass off at straightening up around the house. My depression, anxiety, and stress were getting even worse because of the environment around me 🤯
Felt like I was starting to cave in 🤣😡
Now if I can learn consistency to help this daily
Come help me tidy up tomorrow pls 🫶🏼
I need a extra hand to just get it done
But this week I'll have it looking alright in here finally
Got access to storage place now after the old tenant finally got her shit
I’ll help you if you continue to help me this week 👊🏼
Finally made it home . It wasn’t a pleasant ride
What was wrong with the ride
Ughh hate that! It’s only nice when you’re at home