Right but that doesn't excuse logic and basic shit
>>> Yeah because those women have a screw lose 🤣
What's the mans excuse for being a piece of shit 👀
I’m still trying to figure that out
There's no excuse other than knowingly being a piece of shit
It's intentional to fuck someone's else's day up cause y'all are programmed to hate and if you don't think so.. list your five favorite TV shows
Yall??? Women???? We are not programmed to hate
What's your top five favorite shows
I like too many to have a top 5
Did you ever watch any of the bachelorettes
Did you watch the Kardashians
Did you watch shows about wives who kill eir husbands in a passion of a love triangle on the id channel
I know damn well you have 😡
My mom steady keeps it on that channel
It's why my dad doesn't divorce her I think sometimes 🤔
Anyway, I'm just saying in the world of the metoo and history of false accusations against men, it far outweighs the metoo and false accusations from men against women
Men treat women like garbage. Only nice to their face to get what they want
Right, but that also comes down to the men you choose to have in your life
The majority of men are decent people
Just like the majority of women are probably also decent women
How many men have you dated that were trash, phoenix
What kind of women do you choose to have in your life.
How many men have you dated that were trash, phoenix
Finally my brain was braining right 😂
I haven't chose any woman for at least five years and even then, some of those women I did date, it wasn't their fault.
I connected it wrong i got a little confused reading the label
I say I probably dated 3 bad women and a questionable woman in there that could be bad or I took it as bad, but she probably did the right thing
Two out of those four I wanted to marry 👀
So let that sink in too, it's cause of what they did and how they did it that makes them a bad person overall
I got confused what it meant by outlet inlet
Now the other girls, nah that's probably on me. I didn't date alot and when I did date I dated long term. I'm in it to win it and always have been. So I've slept and fucked around with a lot of trashy girls and a lot of good girls honestly, but my dating list is like under ten people
All of that goes for me too
I'll fuck wit anyone who fucks wit me back. As long as you're not morbidly obese, I'll clap those cheeks. That's my motto