احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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The happy place was a great TV show
Or wait
It was called the good place
Was it the happy place or the happy ending
Oh the good place
I got it confused
Drugs are bad mmkay
They all the same
To have a happy face, you gotta be in a good place to get a happy ending
No confusion
Right right, don't know what happy even is. Just been content so long or disappointed
Here listen to this and get some insight
I think I found it on youtube
Hold on
Hope you enjoy
Yes listening now
Idk what your music preferences are
But it's deep
It is deep
I like it
Cool, glad ya do 😔
Which ones don't ya like
Country music is my least favorite
Like the pokemon
I do have some country songs I like but overall I don't fuck tractors in dirt roads
Its kinda weird with country music.. The sad songs wont hit me deep.. If I just read the lyrics properly like it but not the music at all
>>> Its kinda weird with country music.. The s... Country music is just real emo music, everything is either super sad or party hardy, there's really no in-between
Like some of it is okay
But johnny cash is my favorite
Uhh... Hard to pick a favorite outta em all, I like a lot of Alan Jackson, he's a good time
Travis tritt
Uhh... Charlie Daniels band
I'm a fan of Johnny cash . I went to few tributes
It’s always fun when I go
Typically I’m the only one under the age of 60 😂
Alan Jackson is good too
Dinner time