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I should probably sleep but I past that forever ago
Same honestly
I got a little bit. Have a full day ahead. So hopefully I’m exhausted later tonight. 😴
Ur killin me smalls 😂🤣😂
Guess I need to charge my phone. It’s 7% lol
I feel this
I need charged up
I go zero to 100, real quick 🎶
I hope you stay safe Xeno
I ain't seen the sun in three damn days 🎶
Yeah we getting hammered
And not in the good way
Right, y'all be getting hit almost all day it seems like... He got mad storms here that are suppose to convert to snow in the morning
We got this and supposed to get snow next week
Same, another round of snow like on Tuesday or some shit and then the lowest temps of the year they talking but we will see
You heard the new spirit box songs zero
I have not yet.
Try it when you get the chance its good
I might check it out tomorrow. I have to force myself to sleep cause I'm on baby duty
We don't need nobody I just need your body Nothin' but sheets in between us Ain't no gettin' off early🎶🎶😈