What’s everyone’s weekend plans
And grunting like a pig 😂🤣
Now she fell back asleep lmao
I’m in another room that I haven’t been in in awhile and they’re ignoring everything I say 😂🤣😂 Thank you Zero for never ignoring us just because we haven’t been in your room in awhile…..how childish of them lmao….
I should go in there and drop this….
If anyone is wondering if they’re blocked by anyone, you are not. I’m just talking to myself 😅😂
I just know puppies are a handful they chew on everything lol
My sleeping schedule all fucked up, waking up at 2pm 😔
It’s time to party Z lol 🥳
Maybe you’ll get back on track this weekend. My sleeping schedule is crazy too cause puppy. 1:00am, 3:00am, and 5:00am of going outside is no fun 🤣
Sister saw a coyote looking in her window at her house….she said it looked like a werewolf 😱
>>> Maybe you’ll get back on track this weeken...
Maybe. I could easily get back on it if I eat some of these gummies I got. They make me hella sleepy, so I'll probably do that tomorrow night cause Sundays are demon days
I hope you're having a okay day today Phoenix
It would be ok if puppy wasn’t biting me lol She’s in time out right now
Hope your late afternoon and evening are ok Z
Let her out. And then about 45 seconds, she’s back in time out
I only leave her in there for like 2 minutes so hopefully she catches on to what it’s for 🤣
That's a short ass timeout. She's learned nothing. Bite her ear next time she bites you
Noooo way Z lol she’s a baby 🫣
How will she ever learn if you don't show her why it hurts 😭
This why I don't have kids
I’m done with people. They piss me the fk off hahaha