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I needed to go around someone today while walking and meant to say let me slide by you but I accidentally said let me squirt by you
Hopefully they didn’t notice
What if they did
What was the reaction
I just kept going. Didn’t check what time reaction was lol
How amu gonna fall asleep now wondering if they heard you
What if you slowed down or turned around
Let’s go get a Sonic milkshake 🥰
>>> Let’s go get a Sonic milkshake 🥰 The peanut butter chocolate Oreo milkshake hit different. It ain't on the list but they can make it 😔
I never tried has sonic milkshake b4 😒
Nite nite everyone
Nite nite to you black 🐈‍⬛
black kitty
I’m so tired I’ve been in and out of sleep…..😴
Can’t STAY asleep 😢
Im about to head to bed in about an hour
You going to come snuggle, phoenix 👉👈
I guess she'll crawl into bed when she's ready 😭
Goodnight everyone
Got about two more hours of sleep and then woke up again…….*crawling into Zero’s bed to snuggle*
Wakey. Wakey. Eggs and Bakey folks
I don’t want to wakey wakey. I’m warm under my blankey blankey
And it’s cold 🥶 outside if it
You will get more of my nonsense throughout the day 🤷🏻‍♀️
Exactly 😓😢
Did you get some sleep
Yes. In sections
Gonna pour me some coffee ☕️
Yessssss coffeeeeeeee