Anti uses a filter for all chat rooms unless it is private and the room owner turns it off.
They still see or send you to prison if you drop the following emoji in a pm
Yes I know all about it and what it means . But still in a pm and you just use it as a joke like the word boo
Hello moon 🤗🤍 looks yummy
It kind of looks like a penguin
It least we know you have a good imagination 😂😂😂
For the people that don’t drink
They are the best shakes I’ve ever had
They look good but I want boozy
Decide before I close 😂😂😂
Okay. I'll take the chocolate shake and you have the alcohol lol
Mara looks like great weather for you. Enjoy.
MARA usually does have nice sunny weather.
Rose hope the chocolate shake was good and your day is also.
It was! Thank you! How are you?
Glad you day was good and Yvw. All good here. Chocolate your favorite flavor of shake?
Nothing wrong with what you love. Chocolate 🍫 for you. 🗒️
Yvw. One more, just in case you need it. 🍫
And up top two times. 🙌 🙌
Can I have a vanilla shake please? Thank you 😃!
It is a beautiful sunny Tuesday! Thank you, Yep!
I’m always looking for the sunny weather and I love it. Yesterday it rained in the afternoon.
Winter Rose, 🤗💕🤗! I’m great. Thank you for asking! How’s Winter Rose?
I’m glad you are 🤗💕🤗! Wait, did you make jambalaya and smores?