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SSweet Southern Comfort

Sharing the sunshine ☀️!
that's never a bad thing
Ohhhh sun
I want sun
I like to share
it's actually sunny here today with no snow clouds
Where is it ?
Southern California 😃🥳!
Oh god
Mara send it my way
All of you have sun or what
Sending your way, Jayare!
On my side! We have sun here!
Good afternoon everyone! You have lots of sunshine, MARA!
Hey, Samurai!
Tonight’s drawing.
Ignore the big error for his eye lol. I hate using a pencil so, I don’t have one right now.
Good afternoon Winter Rose ✨💕! Yes, I have a lot of sunshine and a little chilly today. Beautiful weather 🤩!
Hi TheOnlySamurai…. Yes, it’s in SoCal!
You’re getting there…… it looks like almost the same with the original picture.
I do see a little improvement in my drawing already. Some are coming out nicely.
I went for my daily walk today and it was freezing with the wind blowing hard!
It’s really coming out nicely. I am so proud of you Winter Rose. So much improvement can be seen.
Be careful and safe when walking with the wind blowing hard.
Aww! Thanks, MARA! ☺️💜
I was cold, but safe. I really wanted to just turn around and go home, but I didn’t.
I walk a couple of blocks. I don’t think I could walk a mile right now.
Maybe one day. I never thought of working up to miles.
That’s good enough. And add more if you can.
I extend my walks a little bit like every month if I’m feeling okay walking that far.
That’s good.. just keep on adding up more steps and you’ll get to a farther miles.
Be back later… I need to do go to the store. Take care of yourself Winter Rose 💕🫶🏽!
You too, MARA! Ttyl!
Orange blood?