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SSweet Southern Comfort

Winter Rose, let’s walk together 🤗🥳!
Yay 😀! Get your walking shoes 👟 ready!
Get your steps in
👟👟 Okay, ready 🚶‍♀️
🎶 Walking on sunshine ☀️
Hello Mara
Beautiful view
Looks like a beautiful day
Hi Moonlight… yes, it’s a beautiful day 🥳!
Good song
How are you?
So pretty
Lunch was 👍🏽
Ooh! That looks delicious!
Chat about anythinggg idcc
It hit the spot. Had to take drastic measures since the Drone went thru Hell
Yeah, such a shame 😩
Maybe tomorrow
Perhaps. We had to get help for our technical difficulties.
Are you ready to dance 💃?
I will watch the dancing from my igloo
What was your lunch, Drift?
It was great. How are you Mara
Don’t just watch, dance 💃 with 😅, Winter Rose.
She is shy I suppose
I’m fine, just got home from my morning walk. Thanks!
How are the goats?
Doing great
They are fixing to go to their forever home
Hi, Léi Huxie 🥔!
Are you the one going to take care of them?
No, I’m selling them. I can’t keep them and risk inbreeding
Oh, I thought you were going to breed them.
Breed what
I just can’t dance 🙈
I want one of the mini farm animals
me neither