That’s definitely me! Stop staring through my window, Rocket 😒
I would. The camera likes you though. I can't say where it'll go while I'm not paying attention
>>> Work work work lolol 🤣🤣🤣
I'm still at work. We've been busy. And the state is under a state of emergency.
Hmm, well be safe out there.
I'm waiting to see if a cop shows up. I reported a suspicious car in the neighborhood that was driving real slow through the neighborhood right after I got home and was still in my driveway.
I’ve seen cars drive slow down my street. It’s usually nothing. Probably just going for a ride around the neighborhood. I admit it does make me nervous though.
It's a natural gas company agent. They're surveying your land, cuz they're interested in getting your property to destroy it for profit from extracting minerals.
Tonight’s drawing attempts 🤣
Awww! It's a puppy dawg!!!😍😍😍
I really just cannot draw. 😂😂😂
Yes you can. It looks good🍻 it's not supposed to be an exact copy
But, it’s all lopsided and mishapen 😂
I forgot what we called it when you... traced! That's it. You're not tracing you're actually drawing. Tracing is for wimps🍻
It's only mishaped cuz you're not finished with it yet. You can add more ink and make it look 100%original, if you want to
>>> Did they show up?
Nooo, I don’t want to cheat. MARA and Pastèque encouraged me to keep trying to draw. So, now I’m going to try and draw one thing every night for this entire year. Then, see how I improve.
Did you talk with them, 🐺?
>>> I’ve seen cars drive slow down my street. ...
In my neighborhood almost out in the boonies, this late at night, it's very suspicious.
What happened when they came out?
I like your goal! I hope you keep drawing all year, and enjoy it insteada worry how it looks
The people drove off before the cops got here. They investigated and if I see the car again, to let them know. The cop that came out is a guy I know. He stops by my work every other day and gets food.
The cop knows that I wouldn't make a false report for nothing.
I guess that’s as good an outcome as any.
Winter🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🐺♐️🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 rocket 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Winter 😊😊🤗 rocket 🚀 🤗 😊 🐺 😊😊🤗 jayare 😊😊🤗
Hi Winter, Rocket, Jayare and omg! 💕
I am doing fine on this chilly evening!
Wanted to take myself out but it's way too cold ugh
reading a book or watching tv?
More like listening to TV as background noise lol
that's something I do a lot while cleaning and going through my phone lol
Hey, Jayare!
Hello, Melon!
Hello, Samurai!
Thank you Winter! Kind as always 🤗