I’m seeing some weird stuff they don’t have in the app, there’s an option to save a profile and also some sort of ratings
I don’t quite pay attention 🤣
Just learnt how to ban ppl
You currently have 4 stars with 65
Probably 45 star ratings from all of the 65 ppl you talked to?
Oh we’re both disliked by 1 😂
Someone was like: “that chick sucks”
I’m disappointed there’s only 1 dislike
Well it could probably be more but anyway we’re not everyone’s candy
I also don’t think I talked to 51 people lol 5 maybe
I have been around here for too long it’s possible I talked to those ppl and probably told most to fuck off
Try find it in your previously installed bit maybe
I tried a restore but it didn’t work
Will just wait for the new one I suppose
don’t hold your breath lol
That will take some time probably
It is still not working for me
What's this bs about rating people we talk to
Cant they fix stuff insted of making new stuff up
Idk but my rating was 69 and I had a nice chuckle
I’m surprised it’s not 1 star tbf
What does mine say i cant see it
Na why you say that you seem like a pretty cool person
They have ratings on here now🤔?
Ye i don't see the point in it
Just another thing for people to mess with
Eh yeah feels like it might take some of the fun out of an anon chat
Everyone in here I looked at was 4 star
They are not gay!!! So vulgar of you
I would expect this from the simple minded illiterate savages over the pond but a civilised brtish… drama sto mouseio
The OC was so good tho cause yknow Olivia Wilde being a lesbian. Teenage me loved it
It’s a dumb show about dumb American teenagers, it’s cheesy as hell but as a teenager it was awesome
I mean I knew about it but I couldn’t get hooked
Season 2 was when the blonde lady had a weird lesbian affair I think. That was the most interesting part for me ofc