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LLesbian Clean Chat 🏳️‍🌈✨

oh lemme talk to trix
She said to appeal
That’s not on Lesbians
green is on Lesbians and boy this woman gives me the wrong kind of shivers
The ban thing is on Lesbians Only which I only joint cuz I thought Rori is the owner 💀
Dee, thank you! Also we keep the crusade here too when Sheeple is back from whoring in Brum
I didn’t realise it was the other one that you got banned from..
But I’m glad you guys love each other 🙌🏻
Maple is the owner and she’s not nice so, you’ll probs get banned again in there with all her mean girl mods 😂
Yeah that explain it
Someday I will kill her by making her drink the wine in the world 🤣
nah just remind her she’s a nonce that’s enough
Thank you
Also you let her love you
👀 👂
Okay you all are too curious
there’s no drama here let’s not give eyes
If you’re friends with maple you can leave this room cause I don’t wanna associate with anyone who likes her, thx
Whos maple
*sips tea*
Sips more tea
We have an informant here…
Sorry guys had to talk to someone urgently and completely abandoned the crusade
Hey nothing to see here
What you all looking at!
the downfall of humanity happening in real time
Jandalf wouldn’t let it!
Jod has forsaken us
What’s up?
*gestures broadly at everything*
*looks at the everything*
You ain’t wrong
The only shred of hope I have left is that Yellowstone will erupt very soon
We need to go there and jump 😆
It won’t do anything sadly. Yellowstone will erupt when it erupts. It’ll wipe out a lot of america and affect the world. Could be an extinction level event depending on the severity. The thought of that eases my woes
I do feel like the earth is ramping up to an extinction level event with climate change and well, ww3 looming and all that jazz. I don’t think it would be so bad if the earth fought back and started again fresh
Well because geophysicists is my degree 😂 you shouldn’t put all your eggs in that basket
The ancient Greeks though that the world has had 5 eras, and after the end of the 5th it would end, they thought their world was the end of the 5th era
They also thought drinking wine from a plate is cool
Hello from Germany