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LLesbian Clean Chat 🏳️‍🌈✨

I mean I knew about it but I couldn’t get hooked
Season 2 was when the blonde lady had a weird lesbian affair I think. That was the most interesting part for me ofc
Finally getting my shit heap car fixed. Not the wing mirror tho. Someone broke it even more 😂😂😂
Make them pay for it all
Nice work with the duck tap
Duck tape beauty
Oh yeah the tape is a perfect addition to the already beaten up shitbox car
It’s a fashion statement not a need ofc
I decided on black rather than my hot pink tape because the colour clash, so yeah def fashion statement
Told ya, it’s the colour we didn’t know we needed
Good afternoon
*tips imaginary hat
I’m burned out anyone got a gun
Being an adult is so boring
I’m inching ever closer to my 2007 Britney meltdown
My hair is a mess I’m gonna shave my head and smash things with an umbrella
I don’t own an umbrella so I’m gonna have to use a hatchet
Oh oh I went to this new hairdresser yesterday
My hair is a hit rn
I owe the taxman 14 quits 😅
They changed my tax code and so I suddenly owe them money now 💀
Well at least is only £14
Last year it’s was about 100 so I’m not even angry at 14, I’m a bit displeased they keep excluding perks from the untaxed base
I’m hhh that picture is vibe
Much less regal
He’s just staring at me
My parents kitten is coming for a play date today 🙃
Is that going to go well? Cats are so territorial??? I wanted to do that with my friends cat when both our cats were kittens but we never did it lol they’re way to old now they’d fk each other up
She’s been here before. It’s not too bad tbh. Little bit of hissing but no fighting and now my cats aren’t bothered they’re just leaving her to it
Panda is doing well with her she’s trying to play and not hissing at all but Puddy has just taken herself off to the bedroom
I introduced them all slowly when she first came, fed them all with a door in between them so they could sniff each other safely and stuff, and today I did the same but kept her in her carrier for a little bit and now she’s running around like she owns the place