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WWest Virginia

Ok 🤷🏼‍♂️
You tried. Valiant effort. 👏🏻
On a serious note… I’m a lil upset I overcooked my dinner.
Which food?
Spinach and Feta “Brownies”. Think more brownie style than quiche style.
I had the setting wrong. Thought I was on convection and was on air fry. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Ah I cook every day, but never cooked or tried that
I’ll show you what it was supposed to look like.
Light. Fluffy. Tasty.
Ok I’ve had something similar others made
I love spinach. I was just dying to try this recipe. 🫣
Same. I eat it every day in the scrambled eggs, sausage omelette I cook with tons of veggies
Hi DC.
Sounds good!
Mhm I eat it every day
I like scrambled eggs with jalapeños and cheddar. 🙂
Lmaooo hey
Hey, hey. Hru this eve?
I’m not a big spinach fan, but that looks good
Thought we frightened you away Chelz😂
I thought so, too. lol
No im just laying here playing games tbh
Ah which games?
I was sleepy and now im not
Block blast
Welcome back to consciousness
Having some restless leg syndrome rn
I like bubble games. 🤭
Oooh. That’s no fun.
Oh tell it to settle down 😉
I try to aim all crazy on bubble games
Good strategy 😆
Usually, it doesn’t benefit me
Shocking 😵
Have a good evening! I’ve got to run off for a bit.
Ok you too Pink
Hello beautiful people
Hey inbred!
Hey 👋
Good night
Rawr 🦖
What hotel
Hey yall
Hey Tracker. 😀 How’s things?
Buckhannon. I almost went to school there! lol