I can’t really think of the last really good horror film that I saw. That’s gonna require some thought…lol.
I like stuff from the 70s and 80s when it comes to horror films. I watch a lot of Tubi so I’m always on the lookout for some rarity that got past me somehow.
The horror films from the 70’s were very eerie and had a great uneasy atmosphere to them that you just don’t get in films anymore.
Have you ever seen “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death” or “The Changeling”?
The Brood is another good one.
I think that’s on MAX currently
Now THAT film is truly deranged and out there. That movie actually was released the day before my birth….lol
You see my vibe huh? lol…I can recommend a lot more. But you got a good place to start. I’ve never heard of that film either…ha ha
Must be a great job to watch movies while you work
But I can relate. I work at home and I catch up on shows while I work.
I used to love working from home, but now I just like it. After doing it for five years, you start to miss certain aspects of working around people.
Being alone is not always the best thing. I live on top of a mountain where it’s already isolated and remote. You go ahead and do it for five straight years then you’ll be able to relate. If I could find something close to my home, that was a reasonable enough commute I would work in an office again in a heartbeat.
Don’t know what that means but if it works foryou, that’s all that matters. I know I’m not gonna be able to work from home forever, so at some point I’ll commute again, but when I do it’s going to be for a significant higher salary.
So what brought you from a mountain California to Virginia Beach?
Yeah, that word…lol. Don’t worry, though I’ll Google it and find out what it means.. 😋
Oh wow…. And I just had Alexa tell me what the definition of that word was and I still don’t understand it as she went on and on for like 45seconds. I heard something about a spectrum and being atypical and autistic or something. She was all over the place….lol
Oh, ok. Gotcha. When you say this app brought you here. Are you stating that you met someone and moved here? And yes, I did miss whatever conversation you’re referring to.
Don’t feel bad. The one person I ever met off this app I found out she was married after we met each other a few times. That was in 2017 as well.
Not that you would feel bad just a figure of speech.
The woman I met I kind of felt bad for her in the way because she was from the Philippines and married to a much older man. I think it was one of those arranged marriages or something where he basically went over there and paid her family money and brought her back here. It was way too weird of a situation for me. I cut off contact with her right away.
She had a job and all, but all her credit cards were in his name. He controlled their bank account, and even though she had a drivers license, she didn’t own a vehicle. So he basically had her in a situation where she was totally dependent on him and I’m sure that was by design. He didn’t want her getting Americanized and leaving his ass. .
Most attempts at happiness in life always involves some level of risk. That’s the price you pay for chasing happiness. Sometimes it goes your way sometimes it doesn’t.
Some people do just enough to string you along. I feel like it’s almost like some kind of secret talent.
I gave 5+ years to two people in my life so I get it.