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Sjeverna Amerika/

WWest Virginia

does anyone wanna have a clean chat? 🙂
No such thing 😉
Drew!!!! Pink💜☕️💜☕️😍😍😍 wicked!!!!!
Hey is anyone up??
I’m bored af
Good for you
How’s everyone
Northern panhandle here
hi, how's everyone doing tonight?
This group is sad lol
U take that back!
lol. We’re not sad. Just… quiet. 🤫
would anyone like to have a clean chat? ^-^
Sure, do you wanna talk about dusting, spring cleaning, vacuuming, dish washing, etc? 😋
😝😝 Any hints on getting dog fur out of my car? It’s shed season. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Duct tape
After vacuuming
Oooh. Duct tape fixes everything. With Wd-40 and rubber bands.
Especially a chatty lady
Hey now. Ruuuude.
Not sure WD or rubber bands will help with dog hair cleanup 🤔
lol. True. But it’s the Holy Trinity of DIY Repair. 😂
Mhm but only for quick & dirty fixes 😆
🤭🤭You said quick ‘n dirty. 😂
Behave yourself 🤨😂
lol. 😂
hi how's everyone?
Can’t complain
Happy and mostly having fun as always
Almost heaven