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CCherry's Oasis 🍒🏝️

Good morning Star
I have a short shift tomorrow
How about today
Today I was off but I overslept
So it feels like I have a similar amount of time to a day I worked
However I didn't have to work so that's a plus
Just wish I had more time
Sleep is good too
I know but
I think I slept too much
Tomorrow won't be so bad if they schedule enough people
But often we are understaffed
And that's why it gets miserable
I dont know what your level of understaff is
Well they just let so many people order and give us only 3-4 people
Or less
Actually 4 is good
3 and below is bad
You have to do delivery?
We shop for people's groceries
They come pick them up
People order so much
And there's only so many of us
It makes it miserable
I wish they'd lower the number of people that can place orders
When there's 7 different shops to do and there's only 3 of us
It can be difficult
i guess should not turn down a customer
instead increase manpower better
But they don't increase the manpower
See that's why we r miserable 😖😣
Anime girl agaij
From Demon Slayer
Intercontinental ballistic food delivery missile
I ordered food
your twin cherry
Looking for good friends if any girl interested pm me
Star lmao
My tiwn