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Hobi & Minat/

CCherry's Oasis 🍒🏝️

Pom SmallBonus
today bonus was 21 😂
Star star
Check your inbox 📥
Is it payday?
Oh it's bills
I'm so sick of being broke
Can't wait for my tax refund
I will finally have some money
Payday was just 2 days ago and I'm already broke
No Chonguin
I work enough
Maybe President Trump will give another stimulus
I'm a certified English speaker now
Good for me
President Trump tried to deport this Korean girl
Who been in US since she was 7
I have a paper issued by an institution
And she had a freaking green card
They've certified me
She has a green card
I don't understand the issue
Why not adopt the Korean girl
Congratulations Pom
Well she's a college student now
So I can't adopt her lol
Marry her then
I'm probably too old for a college student
Unless she's a senior
That's just a number
Not like they can tell you say she's 60 Asian girls don't age
Anime is full of 600 year old girls looking like brats
Yah Asian girls don't age
I got up so mf'n late
I'm so f'n angry
Long time, So F'n Angry
And Pom Asian girls hide their age well but by the time she's 60 she's not got gonna look good
slaps ⭐️