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Hobbyer & Interesser/

CCherry's Oasis 🍒🏝️

Jamesguin is lucky he's in California
Where there r Asian girls
No Asian girls where I live
Unless I move to Philly
Not really because they’re pretty boring here
Ooo girl star
Star long time no see
cherry 🍒
We have a new turtle member
Gelloooooo star
Chonguin typos are famous
Chow chow bow bow wow wow
Where’s kinguin
Did he get kidnap?
Well I'm awake
Helloooo megan
calexit when
oh boy star
Pom le pom
How your test go?
Ooo gee
Cherrius berry
ah worse than I expected tbf still I think I'll pass I hope it was the written part I'll have the oral part tomorrow, understanding English audio (???? HOW????) and conversations with the examiners
Star Habibi
Pom Antioxidant Drink good luck
Back to work again
Und das war es. Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch
I should pay a visit to female star