Stop looking at my balls fs
I needa get functional I'm hungry
Omg no I don’t wanna know hahha
Hahahaha don’t be so rude fishy
He wants you to wash his…hair
Just sayin. That's a weird request 😂
You know that washing game? You can wash houses cars etc
Omg that’s so satisfying hahaha
I could watch that for hours and hours
Oh yeah I had it downloaded before 😂😂
Powerwash simulator I think?
And download Minecraft again I wanna play it hahha
Think I got 120 something last night
That’s cause you steal the sword from this poor guy yesterday hahaha
Yeah that was dickish of me I suppose 😂😂
It was totally fine that I did it tho hahha
Yeah but that fella was a dick first 😂
That’s why it was okay hahaha
Exactly 😂 I just wanted my sword the first time 😂
Suggest me a good handheld