Lol ive been playing mobas since 2015
>>> You're dope
Nah nah nah you're dope
Haha i just ss it on ps and downloaded the pic from ps app
I use longsword, switchaxe, chargeblade, bow, and hammer
Only ones i dont really use is lance sns and heavy bowgun
Most satisfying hit ive had so far is offensive gaurd ko on arkveld from his mid air attack
With chargeblade straight into a saed
Yeah its dope especially on insectglaive getting all kinsect buffs after hitting a weak spot
Insect glaive is so fun if you like being mobile and not getting hit as much youll love it
Ive been able to get out of so many deadly attacks with it
Its just some monsters parts to get the specific kinsect buffs can be apain in the ass to get to like lala barina
Looks like anti gonna be going downhill faster now