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🧱Trump Tower 24🏢

You can dive into the deepest crevece of our world with enough money
The marianas trench
Yes you can
You can't travel to the next galaxy with even the most money
That's light years away
We best concentrate on ehats here
Jose luis is not here to argue you
Im here to make sense of it all
We not here to argue
Just to love
And live
And understanding
This is why you cant reason with religious ppl most of the time
They are hell bent on the only book they know
I mean I'll stay outside of your islam and atheist stuff
I'm just chill duck
I say that all good but keep it to yourself and especially stay out of a society if you cant follow normal society rules
Islam is why I'm saying it
It's a disease
Go on
I want to learn more
Nice trolling
I like it
What you mean
Islam is about some random dude that is the one and only messenger of god
Which religion in your opinion is the true one ?
I dont know but I know islam is not it
So you confused in your Faith
It relies on you to do the diary work
What faith is that
You know it or not
You chosen or not
You fat or not
Faith can't be proven
Otherwise the word faith wouldnt exist
Jose luis for trump 2024
They have been avenged
Good news everyone
hi little man ^
Hii little piggi
The United States was never Democratic
That Tower is coming down soon