meds here! let’s beat his ass!
Is this chat for politics or just for trump fans?
mouse u see fap? he got the little remote controller
he playing video games lol
Got my dark MAGA cap finally 🖤
Been mean to piggy after she was mean to me
>>> Mamas I need spankin 🍑👋🏽
I'm here
What u got? we are all ears!
the yellow bird my boo thang
>>> this room is anarchistic
I am
I'm an anarchist capitalist
Pretty round about way of saying antifa membersupporter
me and the yellow bird n love 😘😛
Operation revive Towers begins now
>>> Pretty round about way of saying antifa me...
The MAGA Trump mandate delivered in November 2024 basically killed Antifa’s influence.
Anyone here collect sneakers 👟?
Pig, the males in your family sneakers head or nah?