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šŸ§±Trump ToweršŸ¢

Pretty round about way of saying antifa membersupporter
me and the yellow bird n love šŸ˜˜šŸ˜›
Oi oi
Operation revive Towers begins now
>>> Pretty round about way of saying antifa me... Nah
I'm not antifa
They communists
The MAGA Trump mandate delivered in November 2024 basically killed Antifaā€™s influence.
Anyone here collect sneakers šŸ‘Ÿ?
Pig, the males in your family sneakers head or nah?
>>> The MAGA Trump mandate delivered in Novemb... They are funded by usaid
wtf is an election mandate
Iā€™m so tired of that term being used
I don't see anything wrong with what dog said
Every leadership has mandates
In China they call it mandates of heaven
Trump has a mandate from God to fight corruption
You sure you a real Christian donkey?
What's wrong with that?
Dog is not the only one who said it. Every Trump supporter, analyst and republican congressman says it
And itā€™s just not true. A ton of ppl just hate Kamala. A ton of ppl hated Hillary before that. A ton of ppl voted for Biden bcuz they couldnā€™t stand Trump. These arenā€™t mandates
Won the popular vote by 2.3 million (in 2016 liberals said itā€™s the only number that matters), electoral college 312-226, swept every swing state, flipped the senate, held the house, every tech CEO racing to meet with Trump, liberal media hosts racing to meet with Trump. Liberal politicians like Fetterman backing Trump decisions. The mandate is clear to see.
So the last thing you spelled out was an oligarchy with billionaires and companies flooding to him. Liberals politicians in Trump districts backing him is called bipartisanship and understanding your constituents. He won the swing states by slim margins and there are still 48.3 percent of eligible voters who did not vote for him
Thereā€™s no question he won and Iā€™m obviously not doubting his legitimacy. But the term mandate feels like propaganda
Margins donā€™t matter. Liberals wanted to eliminate the EC because only popular vote mattered. Now itā€™s margin of victory?
EC is pretty stupid if weā€™re being honest
Maybe but be consistent
Iā€™m just saying it isnā€™t a mandateā€¦ the term is dumb. Not saying he didnā€™t legitimately win
Either popular vote is all that matters or its margin of victory
He won bcuz of immigration and inflation
The word mandate!!!! If nearly half the population didnā€™t want you to be president. That is not a mandate
FYI 2016 was completely legitimate when he didnā€™t win the popular vote. Iā€™m not one of the ppl who said otherwise
Broad public backing of his policies and ushering in the Golden Age of America is absolutely a mandate. Immigration and inflation are just 2 elements of that.
DEI, woke, and unlimited genders are other.
None of which are popular with anybody
I disagree with that
If those were important, liberals would have won. They didnā€™t.
His core base absolutely did want that. I donā€™t think it loved the needle for independent and ppl who were borderline as much as immigration and inflation
I said they werenā€™t important
It was important to most to eliminate them
But itā€™s not why he won. He won bcuz of immigration and inflation. Conservatives wanted to do away with those other things for the longest. Not necessarily independents and moderate republicans
Yeah respectfully dog I disagree. If inflation is not fixed trump loses the house and senate even if all those other things are addressed
Again I think a lot of ppl did want to see those things go away. Mostly conservatives and hardcore Trump supporters. Independents and moderates win elections
>>> But itā€™s not why he won. He won bcuz of im... Not true, Trump won because he is the will of the majority
Immigration and inflation just one of the major issues
>>> wtf is an election mandate A 'mandate' is simply an official order or commission to do something. Or to give someone the authority to do something. It's easier to use the word that means that, than to say all of that again and again.
More people wanted Trump to enact his agenda than not. Therefore, the word is being used correctly.
Yall ..lies