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Ameryka Północna/

🧱Trump Tower🏢

u too not morgan
That's mama Morgan
Welcome to Trump 2.0. The sequel is gonna be way better than the original
This is true
Where is Morgan
High tech borders soon
Since when did parrot get stickers
Trumps your president now lefties and he's sending you all to prison
no i don’t 😒
Hi piggy
Good for you piggy
u my son now
I'm not up for adoption
Trump is the best human on earth
biden is the best human on earth
Trump is a role model………..Biden is asleep
biden is a role model………….trump is asleep
sleepy joe
I ❤️ Trump
I ❤️ Trump Tower
I ❤️ Trump International
Trump is the smartest
Got a confession
Happy 5th day of January
the bunny hurt lol
Let her pm you
lol damn