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CChristian dating room

How are uuuu
Hru fish
Fine thanks for asking
Yk what’s crazy
I see so many Christian couples like try and maneuver around the no dex before marriage 😭
Dead chat
Hey, I’m Kelsey! A southern Christian girl.. just looking to make new friends 😊
Hi Kelsey
Easiest way is just to get married quick
U have to know the person first before getting married
Pfffff where's fun in that
Do we need marriage in this day and age?
Would anyone of you date a sinner?
Yes we are all sinners
Yes marriage is important but not immediately
No I would never date a sinner
Especially not the one possessed by lust demon
But your a sinner too we all are
The only perfect one is Jesus himself
Yes, why would I need another sinner in my life then? I need someone to show me the way
The only people in this world are all sinners we all fall short of gods glory that’s why he died on the cross so are you looking for someone that’s sinless
Some sins are bigger than others
I want small sin man
All sins are the same you break one commandment you’ve already broken them all so your lookin for a man who doesn’t wanna sin anymore
Would you rather hangout with a serial killer or drug dealer
Like, i get what you're saying and on paper you're right, but in reality you can definitely notice how some sins are bigger than others
In reality everything in the Bible is true literally the lords words but I do get where your coming from but reality is a sin is a sin some may seem bigger than others but they all fall short none of them glorify god so they are all bad
She didn’t say you’re wrong she said some are bigger than others and they are and it’s not hard to tell but yes sins are sins
Where's Christian?
Aaaaaaaaaa a spider
Got it I’m just spreading the word that’s all
But are you living the word? 💔
Trying to it’s not easy following Christ is no easy thing to do but I keep walking with him no matter what
Keep up the good work
You too
Hello 29 Christian from uk