What prescription drug are either of those replacing
Lean and crack are just other opioids
Alot of people who try to stop heroin or fenty ol switch to lean
Or if your trying to quit morhine too is like herion
Crack is a based form of covaine
Which is just a weak form of morphine or oxy codine
Cocaine is just plant based like morphine but weaker
Morphine makes sense but lean doesn’t
Lean is a alternative to fentynol and other drugs like it
Cocaine is weaker than morphine but they often mix it with other stuff
So it’s not a great comparison
Doctors aren’t quick to push out morphine either
Now its beeing found cut with fent and tranq
What pills was juice put on at 14
And a bunch of others at first
But theres a interview with his mom just months after he passed
And she describes how he was on all sorts of mental drugs for depression and anxiety
Get rid of the meth stuff, it's bad for the brain
For biggest black daddy 💋
Go do a workout kitty, you'll feel better