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CChristian dating room

Not that I’m mysterious
It would be interesting if people had brochures about themselves so whenever you meet someone new, you give it to them
Here this is my disclaimer
So you know what your getting lol
I'm good at this and this and I suck at that and that
There you go
I’m boring I work and don’t have a life
You forgot to add you play the guitar
Oh yeah I play guitar
And don't forget to add your photo
That would cause the person to discard the brochure
Shallowness of looks before getting to know someone
People are shallow, what can I say
Yeah that’s true
Sad reality
Not really I mean it's all evolutionary really
You think so
At the end of the day, it comes to our species looking for "the best" so that we could survive
I guess so
Sounds a bit harsh when I say it like that but yeah
Well I believe there’s truth to that
Thank you for supporting my pseudoscience
Your welcome
I’m open minded
I like that, as you should be
Send me your brochure
*brings fresh baked cookies* i hope everyone is having a good day 🍪☺️💚
everyone have a blessed day
Hey any one here for
Hello all
How do you guys not have premarital ?
We just don't
What kind of question is that
It’s hard for me
What's hard exactly?
It’s a personal decision for everyone. It’s not something everyone follows.
I’ve been failing
Need some private advice