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CChristian dating room

Go do a workout kitty, you'll feel better
I think I'll become a hermit
why do you think so?
Because people are disappointing a bit
oh, i agree
I need to put my own peace first and that's it
you can pray about it
ask for it
I am, that's why people keep leaving my life 🤣
same girl
Is that what you tell yourself
Hiii 🤍🤍
Hi you
Hi hi
Hi ladies
Hi boys
Good evening everyone!
Hello ms k
good morning all
Good morning
Good moaning
Good morning!
Hi K
Are y'all ready for Lent?
I’m ready
Did you give up anything?
Not yet
Hi po
Who is po?
I guess we'll never know
There was that one game Pou....
Poultry chase
Food don't complain though
Food gives without asking anything in return
The only request is peace
Pick better
Better food?
Yeah, if your food isn't doing it for you, get something else
What if they picked out the food themselves?
So what? You live you learn, how would you know you don't like something unless you try it
What's wrong chicken