Whether online or IRL.... never be an alt version of yourself! Just be you!!!!! You will be loved or hated for being yourself, butit is better in the long run to be hated for being you than to be loved for being. a fictional variation of yourself
is there a cape in the avatar acessories? if so.. we gotta get your karma up till you can afford it haha
Smole peoples do not have to be a Fet thing.... can just be an attraction without being weird at all
Well... most people are idiots.... so there is that
Making up stats is like an eloquent science all in its own haha
910 people would not even notice if robots took over
Robots Ai are actually creeping into the mainstresm of our lives at such a rapid pace that we need to consider a universal basic income for people who will be displaced by technology to the extent that they will not ever hold a job that could substance life in our society
There are robots that could replace all service staff right now..... Also most manufacturing. They are just too expensive for restaurants and factories right now. When they become more cost effective then we are going to be i robot society
I am semi.regular... on the poops schedule haha
No reason to ask who.... just talk and be open to discussion
Welcome to Confession and Chill! Where you do not really have to do either, but you do have to be a good human
If i made a GC... that would be my first rule..... and my second one would be.... see the first rule haha
Cause..... its all encompassing.. Its easy to discern from being s goof human and being a jerk