Ginger chai for me! Or some form of smoothie
Yea… it’s like a mango milk mixture
Happy must have had a bad experience somewhere recently. Which is sad, Indian women are 🥰 and the foods drinks are yummy!
I’m jealous! I’ve been to some local Hindu and Seik Temples with Indian friends. Always so welcoming
Ah, I’m in the US. My area does not have a large Indian population, but enough for a few temples from both religions. They all serve food daily for a small donation. Like 3 USD
Considering cheap meals out are 12 USD or more, that’s not bad and the food is delicious
Idk what I said 😂😂 anti hates me
There is a group on here that mocks ft people 😂
Fr though, the rules are ridiculous. It’s like, new users must drop hands, have to upon request from others or mods too 😂😂
I know what that does for a lady…. But a guy?
Maybe it has attachments that I don’t know about haha
Not me, but I do know what it is….. saddle thing I just carefully explained for the algorithm lmao
Gotta choose my words carefully cause I have a tiny bit of karma and anti hates me
Howard Stern had the inventor on his show in the late 90’s. The guy made it for his wife and it’s meant to be a couples experience. Then stern randomly had females use it in other episodes
Idk if I could get one for a gf. She would probably leave me and take the machine
And I’m not sure I would blame her. Powerful machine
Kinda crazy that dude is rando msging females about it though 😂
Did he have one and wanted people to try it? I don’t understand his approach.
Ok fine, for SpongeBob I can be