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🤓NҽɾԃDσɱҽ🤓 21+

Welcome to Anti slang. Lol
In work I notice sth
lol 😂 everyone has their own rhythm ☺️
My life is a rut.
Rather than the effort u put into craft, ppl favor complimenting comforting meanie beans
Maybe I should post ads to get a girlfriend. 😂😂
Those guys must have a measure of success or they wouldn't do it, right?
I wouldn’t count on that
Just let life happen and what’s meant to happen will happen
It might attract undesirables. Lol
Is Having gfs a success?
Hell No
skills,flexibility ,speed, there's a lot to do in this life
I just want someone close to my age who wants a serious relationship. Something hard to find on this app.
This app isn’t the place for that
Stop dwelling on this app then🤣
>>> This app isn’t the place for that I met one of my exs on this app.
And she is an ex
😬uh oh
I’m not saying it’s impossible to date from this app but I can’t say I’d recommend it
Dear Dreadful Exes....
someone should write a book abt it
I'm still in contact with her.
*slowly exits chat*
Oh no you don't.
If you still have feelings for that ex cutting contact might be for the best so you can truly move on
Because then I won't have as many people to chat with and I don't want to go to bed yet. Lol
>>> If you still have feelings for that ex cut... I don't.
Ah gotcha gotcha
I probably should go to bed though.
Goodnight everyone.
Night bud
Play nice. 😂
It was nice to meet you, Blank.
You as well man goodnight
Good morning 💤
Morn iris
Iris 👀
Biggy 🥰
Viper 👀
Donkeh 😁
Iris 😎
Sup folks
What's going on