And great, now I want lasagna... lol
I said what's up diamond God damn aggressive phone
Not the phone ..... its the operator
Oh no typo. King voice to text fumbles that is me
Oh yea i never realized i have an accent until i used talk to text
Im like that is not what i said😹😹
Oh yeah I do. I don't pronounce my r
Yep Boston. Well right outside of it
Have you seen the movie... the heat with sandra bullock
I want to say yes but I don't know right off the top of my head right this second
You could have went with. Did somebody else might have got us
Theres a line in there thats hilarious
Years n years ago i met someone on line from MA
I sound like Gilbert gottfried
And talking on the phone i thought he had a speech impediment
Until i got to MA and realized they all have a speech impediment😹😹
I'll give you a speech impediment
It was a funny moment in the movie