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🤓NҽɾԃDσɱҽ🤓 21+

Would you like a shmoke und a pancake?
i’m good, how are you 🥰
I am so ready to go home
i’ll come pick you up
I’ll be outside waaaaiiiting
where do i know that quote from lol it’s on the tip of my tongue
I still want to stab the person who called it purple
Cigar and a waffle
i won’t keep you waiting long 💜
It looked a little purple in the light.
still nothing lol
Thats not a bmw rs1200gs
Its not
Ill stab you also
I know it’s not
It’s matte blue
Or a ktm
Stab me next
Smoke and a pancake
Mmm pancakes 🥞
french toast instead
Cinnamon swirl pancakes... 😋
Ooh haven’t had those in so long
Bong and a blintz
That's a funny word for 'maple syrup'
I also enjoy the strawberry syrup 🤓
My girlfriends and I split that stack of cinnamon roll waffles over the weekend 🥹
Got damn that looks like bomb ass breakfast
What a wild weekend
With a side of diabetus, for sure
Carbs on carbs just the way sky daddy intended
Wow spaze
You been hanging around me too much
Hey GG 🤗
Hey Sam. 🤗
How are you?
Just trying to make it through Monday. Hows your day been?
Not too bad, thanks. Just got home, so there's that.