Would you like a shmoke und a pancake?
I’ll be outside waaaaiiiting
where do i know that quote from lol it’s on the tip of my tongue
I still want to stab the person who called it purple
i won’t keep you waiting long 💜
It looked a little purple in the light.
Cinnamon swirl pancakes... 😋
Ooh haven’t had those in so long
That's a funny word for 'maple syrup'
I also enjoy the strawberry syrup 🤓
My girlfriends and I split that stack of cinnamon roll waffles over the weekend 🥹
Got damn that looks like bomb ass breakfast
With a side of diabetus, for sure
Carbs on carbs just the way sky daddy intended
You been hanging around me too much
Just trying to make it through Monday. Hows your day been?
Not too bad, thanks. Just got home, so there's that.