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log off anti and u will feel better lil bro
>>> Seriously. All they do is show up and make... They do paperwork and be like thank you.
I don’t use anti that much
Something happened to me
I can't do anything. We will give it to the court
Where’s maya?
I don’t even see her anymore
She has a ma
It’s good to see her
The corruption of the justice system is getting out of control and nobody is willing to do anything about it. But the time to rise and make a difference in upon us and is dawning fast
Who’s supposed to do anything about it?
The system doesn't work. It's build for criminal by criminals
Us or the government
Look at Doug Ford
There never was a system. It's just a cycle of greed
How did he even win 😆
It's time to break the illusion
Yup like .moth to a light
Greed follow position
Lets just live far from people and near by lake so that u xan smoke weed an catch fish and do bbq
Running away from problems won't fix them
Facing it and trying to do something about it might get u shots
We are weak alone but strong together
If we want ti change we need form a group an protest
A big rally
Si vis pacem.. para bellum
Also stop the country the business the roads
Until a step is taken!
If it’s not taken then we take down the government
That’s what happened in a 3rd world country.
Let’s listen to Libianca people
See u in jail
I’m married and would like to chat with other women.
Get a divorce then
I speak the best french
Tu es toote le foote
Hi ya
Oooh Brown Betty 🎶
Clowned around
Brown Betty had a child, bam a lam
It’s snowing
You're snowing
☠️ thought its summer
Bammm a lammmm