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Question !!
Is Toronto snow cold right now!??
no the snow is warm
34 f Indian......
feather or dot
>>> Yo yo-yo 😂
Is there someone I don't see?
tere qolo qoi gall
Morning !
good morning
It's not morning
If it can be 5 o’clock somewhere it can definitely be morning somewhere lol
>>> Yo 😭😭😭
It's broccoli o clock
how do you guys view trump in canada?
Through a scope
i mean are you guys prepping for a war
No. Just observing the idiot ruining their reputation on the world stage one day at a time
Hello guys
No. USA would lose anyway
i mean of course we want you guys to take him out
no one here realizes the tariffs hes complaining about- you guys have the same number set for other countries
Can’t be us. I’ve said this for a while to avoid a total uprising of morons it’s gotta be a naturally US born straight white male anythig besides that will be bad
lol yea that same invidual tried at his earlier rallies
Nah that was staged
The US citizens will kill him before a war breaks out
alot of people to involve to be staged. all the police on those roofs would have to be plants
yeah we can only hope. sad thing is tho 60 percent of us are trumpers.
somewhere for about 7-8 years there were hidden MAGAdictator sleeper cells
but im glad you guys came out and said you officially are cutting ties with us, now thats needs to be done
She gets money from people for stuff
I figured that but fun can be online or in person lol
Thank ya
Guess the flavour
Hi friends
Dm to see the Indian females I’ve been with. I’m not a bot
What’s the flavour, I give up.