I think you missed the joke
I'll request extra duct tape
We ran out of tape so we had to use a glue stick
You said they keep mixing the verbs and nouns
>>> How can you have boils
Come boil my butt and find out
>>> Come boil my butt and find out
Boil butt
Imagine finding an ass in your sea boil
I'm just kidding with you
Why r ppl mad boring on here nowadays
Okay but some verbs cant be use as noun
Cause we got lives and we are healthy
πthats what im talking about
I'm sorry for not being toxic
Dm to see my Indian aunt and her daughter
>>> Okay but some verbs cant be use as noun
Like wasing *** lol
>>> Im no grammar police
I get it
I had someone use wasing in a sentence
I said a hidey hidey hidey hooooo
What even is the proper way of saying that
Like what are they trying to say lol
I replace it with another verb