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No way
can we talk about something fun
>>> can we talk about something fun Fun
Like these?
Moving on
cow what’s your ethnicity
I am a black male
>>>📷 I would buy that
wasn’t expecting that ngl
For me?
We’ve literally met before🙄
no we haven’t
>>> I am a black male Why can't you be normal and get into jordon
You know me
i do not know you
Cow is grink
Stop pretending 😏
Gordon is temu version
no way…
no he’s not
Ya whey
U forgot about me?
Loopy don't deny the attraction
Also woah did you guys see NYPD escorting my man to court
is he acc grink
Luigi mama Mia
I am
Oui he is
Luigi was last weeks news
He is hot 🔥
We’ve moved on 🤩
It’s funny how different parts of this app know me by different names 💀
>>> It’s funny how different parts of this app... Cause you are unemployed
Once you get a job you will be to busy
Happens to the best of us
It’s not like I’m not willing to work🙄
They just won’t hire me
>>> It’s not like I’m not willing to work🙄 Fine
I’m gonna make it a goal to anti and chill everyday even when I’m back to work
I will hire you
I’d have a lot more money if I was employed I buy Funko pops for fun these days
And drive around
Your job is to build thirst trap on anti
And get men to donate you karma
And than we sell it