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VVenting n Realistic Advice🚫DM

And he keeps telling me that he’s gonna unfollow those accounts, when I bring them up.. but he never does.. so I’m just confused.
He also wants us to move on from the topic, but I don’t want to.
I meant to say that I’m guessing he’s had this issue for a while, like way before we even got together.
But I honestly didn’t know about his problem until recently.
He is conditioning u to accept it and he cant stop
Dont be fooled by his feeling a victim to it
It is okay to know or realize this now , u cant know about things he keeps private
Im sorry u are suffering
I wouldnt stress this much about someone u have never met in person yet
U shouldve met till now to make this real in person and now he has other issues
That he clearly wont try handling in healthy ways
But on a plus part he isnt cheating physically
Bit if he is engaging with these women in videos this is cheating on a regular basis not just a video
This is hurting u , so someone who loves u will do whatever they need to to fix this or manahe it better
This is toxic behavior
Manage *^
i would take a break and let him get therapy alone
Then see how he acts alone
Is he taking step’s to change at all
Also if u do go back , will these. CHanges last
Or for a little or he will continue later on this
And if u are willing to go thru this again take into consideration , being let down ! And more trauma to process , i would say bail now but that is hard when u love someone
Hope that helps Moon
>>> He is conditioning u to accept it and he c... I second this...
True... P0rn addiction is no joke. Ive readwatch marriages implode cos of it. Never enough
Man I just want to talk to someone with answers or someone who can help
But at the end of the day no one really can because what I want no one can answer or help with
U can ask in here
We cant help if u NEVER say what it is
Common sense
So either say it or stop criticizing this group , thanks
I stress a lot about a lack of family
Thats what is it which is why I say no one can really help me with that
Im sure theres many people out there who know what its like not to have family.
Was not trying to criticize the group. I apologize
What happened to your family and what about friends or having God
Or working o. Personal growth , maybe having a pet can help or more hobbies in meeting new people
We can help u work thru your issues , maybe
Hello All
This got me thinking....
It.Can be taken away if someone manipulated u
All healthy relationships mean a give and take dynamics
One sided is u taking care of someone only like your child
It is toxic positivity
Dont fall for it
Ah shoot the whole gc empty