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BBBW 25+ 💜

Haha no
Spreading positivity
Not STDs, get checked friends
If I’m not practicing I can’t get anything 😁😂
I’m all for spreading legs
Open wounds and kissing, just be careful
Stay away from the open wounds
Unless you work with them, sometimes that’s hard to do
Well that is very true!!!
And that would be the spread I’d happily be infected with.
My only open wound
I try
Tis tue
Why dya have a high wall ? 😅
how r yall ppls
It’s not even that high. I don’t even have 10,000K
But also to keep out as much riffraff as possible…
that whale is named big man if you want
so if i don’t want he’s not a big man?
Curl do you prefer a smol man?
Hey chica 🙂
Cocoa 🧅💋🧅
How’s you today?
Hi wabbit
Heyy Mousey, how you doing?
I’m gewwwd. Just got home from work.
Im good thanks, been a chill night for me, but sloweww
Chill is gooood
I need to run to the smoke shop again 🥲
Gran had an early night so not had much to do
Aww that sucks 😔
I’m lovely. Took another gummy this morning at work ☁️☁️☁️
Glad to hear you’re doing good 😊
Woooo high Cocoa 🙂
Off to home in about 15min 🙌🏾
Yeahhhhh that's whay we like to hear
The other mouse and I are almost twins
Thats why we called you Mousey, I swear she was green too
Fraternal twins lol
She has the awesome mustache
I have the toothy smile
How’s everyone doing?