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Vrijblijvend daten/

BBBW 25+ 💜

Hands looking better
Love it where yall work im a manager at a steakhouse
Still cant make a fist
What happen bee?
Im a manager of a cheese store
Oh bad ass
Jammed my pinky into my knuckle a week ago
Not bad ass
Yeah bones dont like metal lol
Lol agreed
Wtf lol
Good morning guys
Wheres my coffee?
I got 15 minutes to get to work now and they jipped on half my coffee
That’s some bs
Ill get s free one I’m a regular and the manager likes me because she has a second job at another place. I go to so she’ll correct it.
Morning 🇻🇪 Receptive Wife 🇺🇸
Morning all
I want some
Slurps it in my mind and it tastes so good
Yes, so do I unfortunately, there’s not enough
Siri trying to use , now lol
It looks giant in your lil hand lol
The cups half empty they didn’t even fill it up
It’s a medium shaken, espresso with pistachio and sweet cold foam
Diabetes in a cup
Sounds like it
I would drink that through all my holes that sounds amazing I’ve never had it
Lmao imagine straws up my nose drinking cawfee that would burn so bad 😂
What's your coffee brand?
Good morning everyone! ☀️👋🏻
Howdy folks
How’s it going??
It's going cold after here
Pretty cool here too
Fk Ohio lol
Another day another dolla
hello how are the beautifull bbw girls ?
Always another dollar
It’s boooooooo!
I need more ways to make dollars
Good morning
eBay works
What do you do on eBay lol