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What time is for you
Yes she won’t leave coz I am here 😝
Good bye and goodnight everyone
Goodnight squeaks
We fought it in 2020. And she still want me but no time for her 😆
And yes can't sleep lol
Goodnight and rest well too Squeaks 👋
Them eyes are everything
Was gonna say, she always has those eyes shine when there is color
Well thanks mountain man!🤗
Thank you howl!!🤗
Of course 🤗besides the obvious lol , those eyes and that hair always on point
My hair is always messy!
Anytime! I saw the picture of you having the red eye and horns earlier too. Would look good with red eyes
Sometimes I do space buns though🤣🤣🤣
Messy hair is the best! I'll die on that hill
Messy is good , and besides a woman smiling and looking haply and comfy is beautiful
Yiu should see me get mad 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Some attitude ans fiestiness is always welcomed 🥵
Lol I'm a fokin brat sometimes rip all the men I've dated🤣🤣🤣 but when I'm good I'm so good🤣
You don't want my response to you getting made Thick 🤣
I'll take the brat everyday, they just need extra attention in many ways is all
Bahhaa now i wanna know🤣🤣🤣 curiosity killed the chihuahua
Besides banter back and fourth is always fun and keep the passion going too
>>> I'll take the brat everyday, they just nee... So true
Thats probably a true statement mountain man
You asked 😂 Get mad with me. Means rougher sex in the end 😏
Gotta have a ton of banter, like give me attitude in yne morning, I'll just slap that ass and grab her from behind amd softly bit her neck, and whisper in her ear you'll regret that later kitten
Bro, I make lists for her. Anytime some brat type shi goes down and we both know she just hangry or dehydratedtired. "List"
Yesssssss imma roll up
Bahahaha thats why I'm a fokin brat🤣🤣🤣🤣 i know what I'm doing😋😂🤭
Oh we know you're topping from the bottom lmao
Then rough sex everyday, so be it 🤣🤣
Brats are just a turn on and bring out the Dom even more
One way that worked for me and my primary was to stop punishing for brat behavior and start rewarding the good with exactly what she wanted needed
It's a really nice dynamic, full of healing in a healthy environment too
Fr though hangry is a thing also a brat then or anxious
Oh I know, I've dealt with those moments in the past
Nah I want the brat I want the attitude, so I can grab her pick her up kiss her and have her against the shower wall until she apologizes and says I'll be good
400 game console
Oh that doesn't go away
In all honesty I think flipping the system allowed her to be more confident in her brattiness
Like I want that challenge, ugh like bring it baby girl I'll make you remember everyday
Cuz she knew she wasn't getting away with it but also not getting what she wanted lmao
Lol just let me cook and clean and be a brat 🤣😇🤣
>>> Like I want that challenge, ugh like brin... Hahaha