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Hi laid back
It’s really not that impressive. It’s very easy to get certified and dive.
Ash is a much better swimmer than me lol
Nah. Not that great a swimmer either
lol. I can swim but I don’t think the make a diving suit to fit me
I need a bubble suit 😂😂😂
I keep getting the circle
How’s everyone
Good you and evening
How’s everyone
Doing great. I feel like I’m forgetting to pack something
Why where you going
Is it over ? 🤣🤣🤣
Evening y’all🤗🤗🤗
Over? What you mean
yes, it is
hi my sweet Lady 🤗🥰
I’ve got a joke
Why is Dwayne Johnson the only man who can turn lesbians
Because rock beats scissors
What’s better than eating a mandarin🍊
Hi my sweet Hickory 🤗🥰
>>> What’s better than eating a mandarin🍊 ??
Eating Amanda out
Il stop ha
Hope everyone’s having a good night tho
I love jokes, just a bit tired tonight 🤍
It’s been a doozy of a work week good to be home
Same but had a few drinks now so I’m up ha
Hope work wasn’t to bad you off tomorow
Nope not off
A little bad but not the worst week 🤣
What’s to drink?
I what you wanna drink?
Hick 🤗
I’ve got vodka seco and gin 🍻
Hey Gemmy 🧃💎🤗
I’m good 😊
How’s things
How's everyone doing?