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Hobi & Minat/

πŸ₯ƒOld Crew 🍻

i just took this too. it was a free sample
That’s cool 😎
supposed to snow again shortly
forecast keeps teasing us but we haven't seen any sun yet πŸ˜…
Hi Hickory πŸ₯°
Beslee πŸ€—
Oh dang yall have had enough snow
Hopefully you get warmth and sun soon
Howdy folks
You okay, Hickory? πŸ₯Ί
Good evng
looking forward to tomorrow πŸ€— hru Joker?
Kimo πŸ€—πŸ€— Mrz H πŸ€—πŸ€—
the other sloth in Newbies put on the same exact accessories as me πŸ‘€
Wass'appenin bummers 😁 πŸ‘
Hi Lice πŸ€— Wyd today?
have we chatted before? you have a few accts?
What πŸ€ͺ😱
found my twin lol
I have a gazillion accounts, I'm init
I thought I sent tits to you πŸ€— Welcome here β˜•
You didn't send valid tits, as you well know πŸ˜πŸ‘
debatable! 🀣
πŸ‘†Absurd πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Hickory, I'm very upset. My DMs are broken only for you 🀣🀣
Anti is mean to me
bonuses this week have been cruel
Sup winkers πŸ˜πŸ‘
There's the picky duck πŸ₯°
Picky? πŸ€”
Just got 1436
Same. I haven't gotten anything over 100, probably because the app is dying
>>> Picky? πŸ€” just teasing 🍈🍈
>>> Same. I haven't gotten anything over 100, ... you know its bad when I chat in Newbies out of desperation πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
>>> Just got 1436 omg 😍😍 nice!!!!
13 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
dont spend it all at once, now
Karma is good for nothing except for room walls
and to keep sp going for my avi
Hey yall good afternoon
Hey Shawn
Hiya Hickory β˜ΊοΈπŸ€—
How're you doing today?
Is that blue pack some type of patch?
it was an anxiety pill that came as a freebie with my other supplements
i didn't feel much different, tbh. Just bought some gummies so 🀞🀞 Ill feel better in an hour